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Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Alphabet Soup Challenge 2018 + 2019 1.9.18

 Alphabet Soup Challenge 2019

I'm Participating in both Titles and Authors Versions
for 2019

Challenges are hosted by Lori at Escape with Dollycas  for All the details . . .
This challenge will run from January 1st, 2019 until December 31st, 2019.  ~ You can join anytime. ~
**You do not have to review the book. Read books of any genre.
Read books that have titles that begin with each letter of the alphabet.

* The First Main Word Needs To Be
The Letter You Are Counting

**For those pesky Q, X and Z titles,
the word with the challenge letter can be 
anywhere in the title.
~ * ~
C-The Care and Management of Lies
                        P-Promises and Primroses

~ All titles read are found on my 50 Book Pledge  shelves ~

Tracking the authors I've read throughout 2019
by their last name initial A-Z

K-Kilpack, Josi S. 
W- Winspear, Jacqueline

... discussion time !

Are you a reader who has taken
an Alphabet Reading Challenge before?
{ Either Title or Author Challenge }

How did you do?  Were you successful in finding each letter
or... not entirely ?

Was it method or madness in selecting books?
Did you pre-select or add them as you found them as the year moved on?
What motivated you in your choice of books / authors ?
Did you cross challenge ?  Was it helpful in fulfilling reading goals?

What ingenuity did you employ to discover titles/authors with the
" pesky Q X Z " letters ?
Any tips for readers who might be considering joining the challenge?
* [ I have now found currently stuck on finding an "X" title ! ] *

Are you challenged to jump in for 2019 ?
Both titles and authors or just one ?
Which one? ...

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on these challenging Challenges!
Any help you offer will be duly considered !

Comments are Open
We'd love to hear yours !

2018 Alphabet Soup Challenge
Books read ...
Hosted by Lori at Escape with Dollycas  for All the details . . .
Reading one book per alphabet letter fills our bowl.
[Drop the 'A' and 'The']
Read books that have titles that begin with each letter of the alphabet.

* The First Main Word Needs To Be
The Letter You Are Counting

**For those pesky Q, X and Z titles, the word with the challenge letter can be 
anywhere in the title.
This challenge will run from January 1st, 2018 until December 31st, 2018.
You can join anytime.
**You do not have to review the book. Books can come from any genre.
* Still Looking for an X title *
~ * ~
As Bright as Heaven - Susan Meissner

By the Book - Julia Sonneborn

The Confectioner's Tale - Laura Madeleine

A Day in the Death of Dorothea Cassidy
- Ann Cleeves

Emily's Quest - LM Montgomery

A False Mirror - Charles Todd

The Gate Keeper - Charles Todd

 Impossible Saints - Clarissa Harwood

Jane and the Wandering Eye - Stephanie Barron

Keeping the Castle - Patrice Kindl

Lady of a Thousand Treasures - Sandra Byrd
My First Book of Football - Sports Illustrated

Now it's Fall - Lois Lenski

Ordinary Extraordinary Jane Austen - Deborah Hopkinson

A Paris Year - Janice MacLeod

A Question of Honor - Charles Todd

A Refuge Assured - Jocelyn Green

Saving CeeCee Honeycutt - Beth Hoffman
A Tiding of Magpies - Steve Burrows

Uniform Justice - Donna Leon

Victoria Intimate Home

The Weaver's Daughter - Sarah E Ladd

XWHYZ Your Body - Time for Kids

You're Doing That in the Talent Show?! - Lynn Plourde

Mr. Zinger's Hat - Cary Fagan
~ * ~
~ All 2018 titles read are found on my 50 Book Pledge  shelves ~

~ * ~

1 comment:

Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction said...

I did an alphabet challenge once---I think it was probably during my second year of blogging. It was great fun, though some letters are definitely tougher than others!

Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

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