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Wednesday 8 September 2010

a New Year begins tonight ...

tonight is the beginning of Rosh Hashanah.  the beginning of the new year on the Jewish calendar.  i have always found it interesting how new things begin around this time for so many of us, myself included.  when i discovered this reality of Rosh Hashanah it all became clear.  this really is the beginning of God's gift of a new year or G-d as the Jewish write.  if your interest is piqued, i encourage you to have a look for more on Rosh Hashanah.  it's a valuable search that will enlighten and enlarge your own faith.  in fact, it's the roots to our faith.  i've included a link in the sidebar, photos, and a brief excerpt from

*the drama of Rosh Hashanah unfolds on a different plane:
A new life-force—a spiritual energy never before revealed—emerges to sustain the world, elicited by our prayers, our submission to G-d, and the piercing call of the shofar. Qualitatively, it is greater than the life-force of any previous year, and it causes the entire world to become new.
Though we cannot physically see this profound renewal, its effects are real. Suddenly, an unprecedented range of possibilities opens up for us. We can achieve things we couldn't—or wouldn't, or just didn't—do before, things that seemed out of our reach.*

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