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Friday, 14 February 2014


Today's a Random FRIDAY 5 at Rev Gals with Rev Karla hosting.
She says: Hello Gals and Pals,

Happy Valentine’s Day! 
I know that some (a lot) of you are digging out from snow and ice and lack of electricity.  

We feel for you, and love you!     
Some of you have a love-hate relationship with Valentine’s Day.  ‘Nuff said.     

I happen to enjoy Valentine’s Day in spite of having exactly one date ever on VD 

[before I was married].   
I love celebrating Love!   

So, all that is to say is that our Friday Five is to tell us about five random things that you love.    Thanks for playing and 

Love and Grace to you!


My Random 5 Loves?

 1- My now 6 adult kiddos ~
 2- My sweet wee grandson !

BEST Valentine Gift ever for this Mom [and Nana!]
Just got the message from son #1 - they're moving home !!!

Dove chocolate 
{but actually any CHOCOLATE will do nicely!}
such as....
Discovering new Tea Rooms for enjoying more TeaTimes!

especially taking tea outdoors {and the appropriate weather!}

and certainly not least - #5


Care to play along?  Chat with us in comments!



 MUCH LOVE to YOU today !! 
{take one ~ my treat!}

Pinterest follow by clicking HERE -

Faith Hope Cherrytea


revkjarla said...

Oh! Lovely play, and I will definitely enjoy the tart and one of the cupcakes with a cup of tea, and imagine I am there at the tea house in the photo!!!

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

perfect! enJoy! <3
& Thank you for the great FuN play!

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

ohhh books are in my top five, Willie Nelson, my cats, Lindor truffles, and tea as well !
Happy Valentines day to you and your Sweetie ! (())

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

TY for stopping in Karla - glad you grabbed some goodies on your way..:)

TY for sharing, Francie - we used a Willie Nelson song for the Celebration of Life slideshow for MoM's funeral [UNCLOUDY DAY- a song I grew up with that became a fav]<3

Antiques And Teacups said...

Sounds like perfect Valentine wishes to me...

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

Wow..."taking tea". I haven't heard that expression in a while. It's been even longer since I actually did it. I think it was in 1984 in Interlachen.

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

@LuAnn well we can always 'take tea' virtually =)
Sounds like you have a story to share...

Jenny's Heart said...

What wonderful bits to love!

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

Would love to have tea in that cottage
HPS Laura

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