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Friday, 29 May 2015


Mr. Thomas and Me

In the interests of Summer Reading resources, here's a tempting summer option.
Hosted by a collaboration of Rachel A Dawson and mrthomasandme
[click either host for full deets]
They're ready for a June start.
From Rachel......

How it's going to look: 
  1. Rachel and Amber will pick a random criteria for your book.

    Here's the JUNE book prompt: 

    " On the NYT Best-sellers List when you start reading it. "

  2. You find your book. [local used bookstore, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, the library, ordered from Book Depository [R sidebar=Free delivery] whatever works for you]
  3. Read. [You'll have 1 month per book.]
  4. At the end of the month we'll review(ish) our books. [With unique book aspects as posted at Amber and Rachel's who will both have places for readers to share book links in their posts.] Linking to wherever and however works for you - vlog, goodreads, blog, twitter, fb, instagram, pinterest, etc. using #collaboreads hashtag
  5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 each month. 
  6. ~

My choice from the NYT Bestsellers list ?

The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd or..

The Nightingale by Kristin Higgins
*A Free download copy available at goodreads HERE
Picked up the audio from my local library and it's still awaiting time in my schedule!
And really liking the host R.E.A.D.S. review suggestions...
riveting, elements, associations, design, and stars
Check Rachel or Amber's blog for explanations .
Checked more NYT categories for bestsellers and chose an entirely different book!

In fact, my library had it available as an audiobook download right from home,
which fit my time limitations, interest and listening availability perfectly.  

#6 on the Religion, Spirituality and Faith Bestseller List for June 20th
Got it?  Let's go.  
Grab your choice of NYT bestseller and meet up Monday, June 29th
with your review !



Will love to hear from you if you're joining #collaboreads
[check for #collaboreads tweets to find updates]
1 book.  1 month.  Your Choice. Repeat.

Shared With - * Small Victories Sunday * Book Nook *  Literacy Musing Mondays *

* Inspire Me Monday * Thursday Favorite Things *



Mary Hill said...

Sounds like a great challenge. I am reading The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. ;) Thanks for linking up with Literacy Musing Mondays again. :)

Ashley Hales said...

Fun challenge! I have a billion on my bedside table but am reading The Goldfinch now. Thanks for linking up for Literacy Musing Mondays! Ashley, from Circling the Story

Jackie Lee said...

Sounds fun! Interesting way to create a book club where people can read what they want to read. :) That's my biggest issue with my IRL book club, some months I just don't want to read the book lol.

Tanya @ Moms Small Victories said...

This looks like a fun and easy challenge. I hope I can get lots of reading done this summer! Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday Linkup. Pinning to our linkup board and hope you found some great posts to visit this week!

Unknown said...

YAY! Can't wait to see what you think later this month of whichever of those two you read! Thanks for being part of #collaboreads! :)

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

luving all your responses! yay - thanks for being here!
and it's looking like the Nightingale - picked it up at library as it was in and available ...

Echo aka The Mad Mommy said...

Online book clubs can be so much fun! Thank you for sharing this at the #SmallVictoriesSundayLinkup!

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