How was your Palm Sunday ?
I'm preparing for a
Hosanna Palm Service
right at the moment
Re-reading the story of Christ's triumphal
entry into the urban world of His day
found in Matthew 21 and John 12
The warmth of welcome and celebration
we, as His followers,
would want Yeshua to receive.
would want Yeshua to receive.
Yet, reading after the events, we know
this hospitality doesn't last.
Nor was it meant to.
His story must take another turn -
in order for each of us to have a story...
May you rejoice with the celebrants of that day
may you lay down whatever is yours to offer -
to prepare the way of Christ's entry
into your world today...

Wishing you the holiest of weeks and as I will be traveling again and may not be able to do so, wishing you a Happy Easter!
Sharon, I wanted to wish you a blessed Easter - I'm so glad to see that you are actively blogging once more!
Happy reading too! :-)
God bless your travels, Cathy, and much Easter Joy! Thankyou for including me in your travels ;)
Gratitude, Ramona, for taking time to visit and inspirit. Your kind words add to the blessings of Easter - Thankyou!
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