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Thursday, 29 November 2018

I SPY Reading Challenge 2019 Begins Now! 29.11.18



Year 2 ! Ready to begin
as of Saturday December 1st 2018  through to November 30th 2019
The I SPY Reading Challenge
is all about discovering books to read which match I SPY clues.
Adding FuN to our reading is the intended motivation!
Each participant chooses how many they wish to find
of the 50 options listed.
Participation can be via blog, tweeting, pinterest,
or the I SPY goodreads group.
Copy the list of clues, find, then add the books you've "spied"
that fulfill that challenge.  Spying a book you wish to Read is the intention !

Jump in with this list of clues for 2019's hunt when you're ready.
Link your participation post in comments or at goodreads
so we can enjoy your I SPY finds for 2019.
Include title + author + date you read the book you spied
[add cover pic if you're able]
that fits the clue.
How many different books can we SPY for each clue ??
Looking forward to discovering your I SPY books !


1- Winter cover

2- Christmas 

3- Travel

4- Translated  ✔


The Deal of a Lifetime
Frederik Backman

Dec 5 ~   2018
5- Non fiction

6- Purple cover  ✔


The Labours of Hercules - Poirot #27
Agatha Christie
Dec 6.2018
7- Evergreens on cover

Mistletoe at Moonglow 
Deborah Garner
Dec 7.2018


8- New to you author

9- 1st of series

10- Destination

11- Fav genre

12- Buddy read

13- Found

14- Valentine read

15- Thrift store find

16- Book club read

17- St Patrick's Day 

18- Fav author

19- Colouring options

20- Pinned to the I SPY board

21- Library book sale

22- Little Free Library find

23- Coffee shop find

24- Freebie

25- Bouquet on cover 

26- Letter on cover ✔

Peril by Post
 Sheri Cobb South

27- New release

28- New to you country

29- Bicycle on cover

30- Palm tree on cover

31- Seashore on cover

32- Snow on cover

33- Name of month

34- Number in title

35- One word title

36- Pumpkin on cover

37- Bookshop topic 

38- Library topic ✔

Summer at the Garden Cafe
Felicity Hayes-McCoy
Dec 2-5

39- Mittens on cover

40- Recipes in book

41- Stars on cover ✔️

~ You're Doing That in the Talent Show ?!
Lynn Plourde

 Dec 1. 2018


42- Tea mentioned

43- Read with a child

44- Atypical genre

45- Where you'd love to live

46- Author's initials match yours

47- Mystery

48- Romance

49- War

50- Free choice . . .

Start Date: December 01, 2018
End Date: November 30, 2019

Let the SPYing Begin!



Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

Excellent! I appreciate having your blog link for your SPY collection :)
You're doing well with your December finds -
Thanks for this and hapPy Spying ;)

Unknown said...

I'm also going to be participating in this challenge!
I've started my post, and will go back to it to update soon!

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

@Rachel - so pleased you'll be a fellow Spy ! I look forward to seeing your finds and wish you Much Fun in your hunting...
Keep us informed, ok?

Anonymous said...

I am going to participating in this challenge as well!!! I was so excited when I came upon this challenge, that I've already started! My blog is:

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