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Sunday, 22 August 2010

gratitude ...

holy experience
from the gratitude community at holy experience, Ann Voskamp has offered an invitation to a transformative life opportunity i'd like to share with you ~  it begins with developing a thankful heart, an attitude of gratitude.  then making the time to acknowledge our appreciation for what comes to mind.  i'm taking time sundays as the day to record.  it's inspiring wonderful contemplation that increases my worship of the Giver of all Good and Perfect Gifts.  as i reflect upon each gift, my worship increases.  it brings me to deeper revelation and relational intimacy.   use whatever day works for you.  get a unique notebook, start a new blog page, a flexible binder now that school supplies are everywhere, or ?  be creative.  this is your gratitude expressed to your Creator.  let's see what we notice of all the grace and goodness given.

i found Ann's quote from John Milton restated Faith Hope & Cherrytea's life statement so beautifully. * "Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world."
People who kept a gratitude journal reported feeling more joyful, enthusiastic, interested, attentive, energetic, excited, determined, and strong than those in the hassles condition
. They also reported offering others more emotional support or help with a personal problem— supporting the notion that gratitude motivates people to do good.*

ready to begin? ...

*1. Pray that He may open the eyes of our hearts
2. Begin giving thanks for the daily washing in His fountain of Gifts--just on a scrap piece of paper or in a journal. Notice and write down from the obvious to little. And begin to feel more joy, less stress, better health, more connected in your relationships, and more delight in your everyday life. Praise is what we are made for!
3. I found setting a time goal of choosing to give thanks for a 1000 gifts over a course of a few months was beneficial --- kept me attending to all the ways in which He whispers "I love you." Some folks set a goal of counting ten graces a day, others spend one day a week intensely counting. But consider youself warned: counting gifts is addictive and becomes the happiest of habits that becomes a way of living praise!
4. I try to add to the endless list of gifts every Monday... to begin the week with a heart spilling with gratitude!*
5. If you'd like to add your blog to Ann's gratitude community blog list, she offers you the use of the 1000 Gifts graphic (see above)*

and ...
 FHC Blog Button 1  if you are participating, would you take the moment to comment and let me know?  then grab a cup on me and add it to your blog post or page.  this will link us together and others interested, to join the pursuit of goodness and grace.  i am starting a new page, 'goodness & grace', to record my thanks and will look forward to hearing of your beginnings.  there is no obligation as to how many goodnesses you record or expected time limit to record them. this is about process and growth. depth. about transformation. more will be gained by meditating on what H Sp reveals than just crunching a gratitude grocery list.  peace be with you as you deepen your intimacy of relationship with your Friend of Friends...

let's celebrate this transformative step together!
and let's inspire and inspirit each other as we grow in faith, hope and cherrytea ~

here's an opp to link us with your goodness and grace post or page  ~

1 comment:

Glynn said...

I really like that quote from Milton. Good post.

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