The LORD is like a father to his children,
tender and compassionate to those who fear him.
For he knows how weak we are;
he remembers we are only dust.
We begin our 6 week journey through Lent,
a season to prepare for a deeper experience
of the passion and resurrection of Yeshua Jesus.
With the acknowledgement of and reflection upon our own mortality,
Ash Wednesday worship is the chance for us all to openly acknowledge our mortality and penitence .
On Ash Wednesday we are faced with our imperfections.
We all bear the mark of sin... We all stand guilty before a holy God .
We all are mortal and will someday experience bodily death.
we all need a Saviour.
And that is the good news we anticipate as we journey toward Easter.
We can admit our own mortality.
We can talk openly about the limits of this life. Why?
Because through Christ we have entered into life eternal ,
fullness of life that will not end when our bodies give out.
The emotional result of Ash Wednesday observance isn't depression or gloom,
but gratitude and new energy for living .
When we realize how desperately we need God,
and how God is faithful far beyond our desperation,
we can't help but offer our lives to him in fresh gratitude.
And when we recognize that life doesn't go on forever,
then we find wonder anew to delight in the gifts of each and every day,
and to take none of them for granted...
Almighty God,
from the dust of the earth you have created us.
May these ashes be for us a sign
of our mortality and penitence,
and a reminder that only by Your gracious gift
are we given eternal life ;
through Yeshua Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.
"You are dust, and to dust you shall return " Gen 3.19.
This sign prepares us to receive
the good news of forgiveness in Christ.
Accomplish in us, O God,
the work of Your Salvation,
That we may show forth Your Glory in the world.
~ May I inspirit you with this final thought ? ~
The Grace of God allows us to stare death in the face
so we can live with Awe and Wonder !
Today is a day that grants us permission to think about death
so we can cherish life even more ."
Consider living in openness to Wonder on your Lenten Journey ...
Lent was not something that was emphasized when I was growing up. I've heard more "Ash Wednesday" and "Lent in the past two days that in the past two decades. Sad. Well, that can change, right?
much available to inspire us, LuAnn, and it is sooo worth taking the journey. I never appreciated Easter as I do now that I prepare during these preceding days. Before it was a day's event. Now it's meaningful spiritual growth...
Be blessed in your exploration and discoveries!
Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! How I love this. Very inspiring. And thank you for joining in on my 40 days of lent. I'm so happy to meet you!!!
Praise God for all of His Blessings! My saviour, my light, and my hope!
Thanks for linking up with Woman to Woman's Word Filled Wednesday! God bless!
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