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Sunday, 16 March 2014

MONDAY READING! #audiobooks ~ Jane Austen, Sibella Giorello, Lisa V Higgins, Michelle DeRusha, & Carola Dunn 17.3.14

I've been catching up on reviews for all the
previous reading!
{ and more to do }
But the weather is cooperating by not being pleasant enough to want to get out !!

Completed Anita Higmans',  A Marriage in Middlebury,
reviewed HERE

a long awaited Review of ROOMS by James Rubart
Stunning debut, I'm now craving the series followups!

Here's what 's just arrived in my mailbox ~
contemporary audiobook for some listening pleasure ahead
by Rita award winning author
"..what starts out as an impulsive road trip soon becomes an inexorable journey to their past as the women grapple with who they were, who they are, and the strange twists that have now set them on the road to their hometown of Pine Lake."  - publisher's blurb

Carola Dunn's #6 Daisy Dalrymple mysteries
Another section of EMMA to listen to -
{really enjoying this on audio - 
as posted HERE }

and oh the paper and kindle reads lined up...
yikes!  great escapes ahead ...
Including Michelle DeRusha's April 15th release:
A bit of an Irish teaser for St Patrick's Day ~
"Generally wakes and funerals in my Irish Catholic family were an excuse for a party. A death offered an opportunity to break out the booze and plug in the Crock-Pot of meatballs... sure it felt a little weird to enjoy
seconds of the baked ziti while Uncle Jack was barely in the ground, the AstroTurf tucked around the edges of the muddy hole, but I got used to the order of events: mourn and bury; drink and eat..."
Just one of many of Michelle's slices of life
served with a side of  humour!


Today's Release Day for a HUGE FAV ~
Sibella Giorello's suspense filled mystery thriller

Can NOT wait to read this one!
So I'll leave you with these for now
{ and if it changes during the week I'll add them!  }
Find more Reading at Sheila's BOOK JOURNEY Linkup

Find and follow FHC online:

@_eHope - Goodreads - Facebook - Pinterest



Antiques And Teacups said...

I really enjoy the Carola Dunn Daisy books. Haven't read that one...will definitely find it!

Teddyree said...

Random Acts of Kindness sounds like my type of read. I'll keep an eye out for your review, I need a few new audiobook recommendations. Have a great week and happy reading :)

Mystica said...

Both look so interesting. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

I love the cover for Random Acts of Kindness - it's so simple but yet springy and inviting!
I hope you enjoy your reads this week!
Bits & Bobs

shelleyrae @ book'd out said...

Such a pretty cover for Higgens latest!

Have a great week,
Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

Kathy Martin said...

I have never read any Carola Dunn but I do like the covers. Come see what I did last week here. Have a wonderful week!

Kimberly @ Turning the Pages said...

Stone & Spark sounds amazing! (I just looked it up) I hope you enjoy your reads this week.
Here's myIt's Monday Post

-Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

Ricki Treleaven said...

These look great, and I'm very intrigued with Rooms!

Thanks so much for linking-up. I'm impressed with all your book challenges. I didn't participate in any challenges this year, and i hate I didn't t do that.


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